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Sacred Heart Junior National School, Tallaght, Dublin
Sacred Heart Junior National School, Tallaght, Dublin

Activities to try at home

30th Mar 2020

Here are a few simple activities that you can try at home. There are 9 activities to choose from, pick your favourite ones!

Go on a short walk, how many signs of Spring can you see? Write about it when you get home.

(2km only and social distancing!)

Make an Easter card for someone you love. Don’t forget to write a lovely message inside.

Find some pebbles/ stones in your garden or on the road. Paint them and turn them into little bugs.

Try some cosmic yoga (find the link on the school website)

Read your favourite picture book or story. Draw a picture of your favourite character and write about them.

Sensory play – using shaving foam, can you draw a picture of the Easter bunny and your favourite Easter egg?

Using your imagination, create something of your choice using materials that are being recycled and tape.

Practice writing your letters and numbers using blank paper and colours. Write them as big or as small as you like.

Play a board game, make a jigsaw, watch your favourite movie.